19 March 2006

Interesting facts about ORG people.

OR stands for Orissa and G for Ganjam

Ganjam is a district of Orissa state of India near to Andhra Pradesh. Orissa has 30 districts and Ganjam is one of them and a couple of years back when Orissa had 13 districts, Ganjam was one.

Very adorable characters: Good things first:-

1. They are very helpful people.

2. They can be called "social animals".

3. They are a highly talented group of people.

4. Many are good craftsmen.

5. Reputed to have built KONARK and KHAJHURAO temples(most people believe)

6. Most of them are good in mathematics.

7. Very careful about money.

8. Mostly sexy people.

9. Very rare ORG people show off.

10. Unlike many other Districts outgoing people(Many go out of Ganjam in search of jobs)

Some peculiarities of ORG people.

1. Quarrelsome

2. Noisy

3. Male dominated

4. Many of them take bhang, tobacco, smoke or take alcohol.

5. They've a very high incidence of STD and AIDS.

6. A good number of them, particularly females, love to vomit while traveling in bus to Berhampur.

7. Usually don't like to keep domestic animals like dogs & cows etc. unless its really profitable.

8. Never spend a penny on repair of Govt. quarters.

9. The way they talk appears very vulgar.

10. Like Bengalies , ORG people are acutely aware of their rights.

11. Like our brothers from Bihar they are dangerous people. They can kill even own relatives for money and land.

12. Most of them know the trade secret of their job.

If you have further observations, you are welcome to add to the list
Sanjoy kumar satpathy

B/188 sector 18 rkl.769003

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