01 May 2006


(This is a satire, should not be taken seriously, NOT MENT TO HURT ANY ONE)

Young, fresh, full of vigor, energetic, and ever smiling young lady joins public sector undertakings of Govt. of India.

Few months of her job goes on without any responsibility (if she is good looking and smart then these few months could be more months).she will not be posted in or inside the plant units or emergency departments. She would like to work in OG, paediatric or skin OPD would avoid busy wards like surgical and medical wards.

During this period her night emergencies will be done by a fellow male doctors (invariably unmarried)

Then she gets engaged to an engineer or a personnel officer and will take frequent leave without any objection from HOD (if male).

She invites all her dept. people for her marriage reception, then she goes on her honeymoon leave and her duties will be shared by male doctors(this will not apply if she is not good looking or her husband is not a high executive).

With some plea or other she will leave her place of work to attend to her husband who has a UTI or a low backache.She will investigate him for minor elements or get him referred to a higher centre.

Then the d-day arrives, she gets reeling of head and morning sickness and remains absent from work without leave (as if management is responsible for her pregnancy).she will refuse to do her night duties.

Once delivery has taken place she takes leave for 3 months. She joins back her duty but too weak for routine duties, so she will be posted in OPD for few more months.

Immunization of the child, then inlaws coming during puja will make things worse for her department.

During 2 to 3 years after the child is born she will hardly get time to read or attend CME programmes .Once the child starts going to school she will go home early to attend the child as there will be no body at home.(the helping hand sent by her mother has gone away with a boy friend from next door servant quarter).

The lady doctor will also take few MTP leaves which she is entitled for 42 days. By the time she has finished her responsibilities at home , she has forgotten her subject and work like a Robert with her residual knowledge in the hospital.

At 35 or 40 years, she under goes tubal ligation or hysterectomy and gets a green card for her child. Last 10 to 15 years of her job will be spent on children�s education and marriage or taking care of her husband who has under gone a bypass surgery.

The organization will give her a grand farewell with certificates mentioning her devotion, sincerity and dedication to work. With more ladies likely to join this noble profession GOD save our health care system.




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