05 December 2008

A real life story

Red Rag to the bull

A young beautiful medical student of third year was asked to examine and present the case to the demonstrator in a surgical ward. The case which was allotted to her was a case of unilateral swelling of scrotum in a 19 year old young boy. Her job was to find out what it was? a hydroceal or a hernia?

After writing down the history from the patient she started examining the patient’s
private area. No sooner she started examining the testes that “thing” become erect, the lady blushed and the patient flushed. The medical student asked the patient to behave properly and started the process once again after a gap of some minutes. But as bad luck would have it that “thing” raised it’s hood once again. The lady student cried and reported the matter to the young male demonstrator.

The demonstrator was furious and started abusing the patient in all sorts of names, told him in no uncertain terms that he will hand him over to the police if he repeats the same mistake.
The young patient with watery eyes, asked the demonstrator to be in his position and realize the difficulty in controlling the emotion. The other medical student by now had surrounded the patient, were sympathetic to the patient and told the teacher “ Really sir ,it’s very difficult to control that thing if touched by a young lady”.

Every one had a hearty laughter and the class was dismissed.

A real life Experience of Sanjoy(1967-68,SCBmedical College Cuttack, India)

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