10 April 2009

Happy Mother Hood

Happy Mother Hood.

Are you a lady? Newly married? Then read on.
Do not delay too long to become a mother, it may prove too costly or you may produce a sickly child. The best time to get pregnant (1st pregnancy) is between 20 to 25 years. If you are taking pills then the chances of tubal pregnancy is very high. With aging you develop diabetes, high blood pressure and other diseases which will make the pregnancy complicated, and the beneficiaries will be doctors and hospitals. There will be lots of dos and don’ts for you.
Your mother or mother in law wills advice you to take food for two as a result of which you put on weight at the cost of the baby. Majority of cases of late pregnancy results in Cesarean section or fetal deaths. The need for a second baby seldom comes as you have to join back your duties. To take care of the child you keep a maid who takes away the milk powder, corns for her baby where as your baby looks sickly. You take your baby to a doctor who orders a dozen of investigations including some enzyme assay which will cost you a fortune, but all reports will come normal. What I am writing here is for the upper class and middle class ladies.
As this is a medical education for our ladies in India I will enlighten them with some bare facts of medical science.
1st month: the baby is only 4-5mm long.
2nd month: Baby has grown to 22 to 24mm long; heart has started developing to its full shape.
3rdmonth: Now the little one has grown to 6 to 7 centimeters long, skin and nails have started developing.
4thmonth: The baby is hardly weighs100grams and 12 cm long.
5th month: By 5th month the parasite has grown up to 300grams and some hairs have started developing on the scalp.
6thmonth: The weight of the baby has become 600 to 700grams (Like a small fish) the eyebrows and eye lashes can be recognized.
7th month: The length of the baby will be approximately the size of your TV remote (25cm) and weighs around one kg.
8thmonth: Grown to 28cm can survive out side uterus in an incubator.
9th month: Now its time for celebration by all the family members of the family but pain and agony for the mother.
1: Never take any medicine or vaccination during pregnancy, before that you can. (Except Tetanus)
2: Too much of red meat may cause problems, stick to the traditional diet which your tribe or family takes. Take well cooked meals not the left over and stale food stuffs.
3: Wear loose garments.
4: You need a small extra food for the baby which may be from 300 calories per day. Even if you are starving the fat in your buttocks will give the little one enough calories. One cup of ice cream (100grams) gives you 900 calories. Taking excess calorie will result in obesity and you may remain fatty after the birth of the child. So forget your mother’s advice “food for two”.
5: If your diet is balanced one then there is no point in taking calcium and other vitamin pills. They are the cause of high blood pressure during pregnancy. Think to your self—a female elephant keeps her baby in her uterus for long 18 months but don’t take calcium, iron, horlicks, or other high protein diet for the baby? It’s our doctor who advice their patients to take all sorts of vitamins for a big baby so that they have to perform CS. Do you know a few years back Australian Government stopped giving extra money to gynecologist for CS operations you will not believe the CS rate dropped by 30 %!!
6: Walk around and do your usual houses hold work. If your pelvic muscles become weak due to sleeping and no work then the doctor is ready with a scalpel. Walk often and sleep with your feet up, also sleep on your left side.
7: Bad news for office goers: do not travel excessively during the early and late stage of pregnancy-there is possibilities of premature labor.
8: Do not expose your self for too much ultra sound or x-ray examination, the doctor is doing for the commission not for your or baby’s benefits. You may be under psychological stress after the doctor tells you “water is drying up” “Child is not growing” “the placenta is small” etc, some Greek and Latin words for you.
So ladies be relaxed do not delay pregnancy, sooner you have a child its better for you. Have more than two if you like as both of you are earning a six digit salary, so where is the problem? For building flats you labor so hard? Unless the middle class produce more children India will be ruined very soon? People do not send their only child for the defence service then a time will come we have to import army from China. It’s the middle class who have produced writers, actors, intellectuals, fighters and so on and so forth. One child family may be too small; two may not be adequate three may be sufficient. With road, train and plane accidents killing millions in a year are you sure one is sufficient? When you will get old you will remember my words.

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