03 April 2009



Most likely I will not be born as a human being in my next birth due to my sins. But in case God gives me a choice I will request him to make me a crow or a dog but not a human being.
Are surprised as to why this fellow who has been a doctor does not want to enjoy his next life as a human being? People do all sorts of rituals like taking bath in polluted Ganga, going to Titrupati and bribing God with gold chains and lakhs of rupees to get a rebirth , but after going through many sleepless nights I decided enough is enough, no more human life.
Let me start from child hood.
Both my parents will be working so I will be left alone in house or in a creche or with a baby sitter.
There will be no brothers or sisters at home to play with and quite likely, no grand parents to talk to. I will have no freedom at home. By the age of three or four I will be sent to school with ten kg bag, a water bottle, with a diaper and some stuffed stale food stuffs. When I come home there will be no mother to greet me with a smile, I have to open the door my self. Till five I have to watch cartoon show only nothing else.
In the evening I have to do the school task and go to bed compulsorily.
Morning I have to get up early to catch the school bus. The same routine is repeated day in and day out. Father will hardly have any time to talk to me as he will be busy with his lap top. I will be asked to sleep in a bigger room all alone.
No games- no going out alone. I can not eat food of my choice. As a child I would not be allowed to ride a cycle, climb a tree or swim with my friends in the pond.
As I grow up, more restrictions will follow. Tuition after tuitions, evenings will be spent in over-crowed coaching classes. Not allowed to go to fields to play or watch others play. I will not be allowed to move out on summer months as more coaching classes will be arranged. During examination there will be lot of stress and tension for me and my parents, as my performance will decide their life style and status in the society.
In the process of going through my school, I'll be forced to loose a lot socially. By the time I realize that I have finished my school days it will be too late to know names of my cousins nor can I recognize my parent’s sisters nor brothers.
I will be asked to remember when an Indian became a Miss world or A Gandhi family member was assassinated, or why Obama became the president of USA.I will not told about the names of my grand parents nor can I recognize their face in the group photographs.
I will not allowed to attend any family functions due to examinations and tuitions.
Even at the age of sixteen, I will have no experience of marketing, or booking a bus ticket. The travel agent will do every thing for me but at an extra cost. My parents would send me by flight or AC trains as there will be plenty of money with them. I will not face any hard ship due to shortage of money.
Lastly I may come out as a robot from an engineering college or some other college and then go for MBA and join some multinational company, purchase a house, get married, forget about parents and concentrate on “HOW TO EARN MORE MONEY”?
If I decide to become a doctor of medicine then whole of my youth will be spent on getting a seat in PG course and super specialization and I will surely forget how to treat a scabies or a patient with round worm infestation. I'll refer them to another specialist.
By the age of 29 to 30 I'll have problems related to over-weight, diabetes, high blood pressure and impotence. My wife obviously will get worried and both of us would go out for medical check up in five star hospitals and lead a fast, stressed and tension-packed life.
With child-hood days charm-less , less exciting and with text book rotting, 'how to earn more money' will be the bottom line of life. There will be no mother-cooked food for me, no beating from father nor any scope to play or fight with brothers or sisters. This looks hellish when I compare my present life; hence I have decided to become a crow or a stray dog.
At least it’s better one than a human life
Writer of this topic is Sanjoy Kumar Satpathy,
Who feels like crying when he sees the plight of present day children?

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