19 July 2011


A rare case of epistaxis(male patient) while using a mobile phone. "cant' find any cause for this sudden nasal bleeding" as told by ENT specialist.When asked:"can mobile phone cause epistaxis?" "Do not know".Not once but thrice the same problem came up with in seconds of using the mobile phone.Me too do not know whether the microwaves of mobile phones can cause bleeding from small vessels.This is a public awareness information hence thought must publish this.The person(Dr:sanjoy satpathy.MD) was not taking aspirin, nor any anticoagulant, nor any recent history of trauma, or history of nasal polyp.This bleeding occurred from left nostril while using the phone on left ear.The bleeding was profuse, stopped after use of Tulsi leaves(HOLY BASIL,Ocimum tenuiflorum) packing.If you come across such funny things please share it with your friends and relatives.

1 comment:

  1. Change the mobile set and see what happens. Observe if bleeding occurs from the right nostril if the mobile is used in the right ear.Its really worth investigating.
