25 December 2005

Good sex

1. lipid lowering effect
2. hypopitutary-adrenal-testes-axis is refreshed
3. sedative effect
4. muscle relaxant
5. increase in apetite
6. prevents obesity
7. keeps you happy
8. prevents carcinoma of prostate/ other cancers
9. immunostimulant
10. immense pleasure(BEST KNOWN TO MAN KIND)
11. nirvan for few seconds
12. increases life-span

19 to 25 yrs.= 265 days / year
26 to35 yrs.= 200days /year
36 to 45 yrs.= 150 days /year
46 to 55yrs/= 100days or times/ year
56 and above= 24 to 50 times a year.
There are some conditions:
provided you are fit,
no vigra ,
not after bypass,
not with very young partners if you are elderly,
you have no backache problems,
drinks allowedin moderation.
However, please consult your partner or your doctor before hand. The auther is not responsible for any mishaps. This advice stands good for physically fit people.
Donot try to awake a sleeping snake, the results may be disastrous.

Ideas by sanjoy satpathy

20 December 2005

Sundargarh. Thakur Anukulchandra temple.

Sanjoy left for Sundargarh with his family on 17th Decemeber at 7:30 pm. On 18th morning went around and took some snaps. Left at 3;30 pm to reach b/188 at pm.5:20.It was a courtsy visit to his relative Dr dilip mishra.

temple of anukul chandra
2. new park at sundargarh