07 August 2007

Experimental advice

Every other day a report is published in the medical journal as well as in daily news paper that this is good and that is bad. Do this or take this or drink that and live free from disease and live for hundred of years!! Like astrology and palmistry people are there who take these advices religiously. Here are some of them.

1. Coffee is good for the brain,

prevents Alzheimer’s disease,

prevents diabetes,

good for diabetes patients

good for heart.

2. Coffee is bad for the heart,

Causes acidity

3. Tea is good:

Green tea is good for heart

Black tea is also good for the heart

Good for asthmatics

4. Garlic is good.

5. Onion is good.

6. Green vegetables are good.

7. Red meat is bad but good for cardiomyopathy patients.

6. Sex is good for heart.

7. Exercise is good for the heart.

8. Tomato is good for the heart and prevents cancer.

9. Red meat causes cancer colon.

10. Dry fruits are good for every one.

11.Wine is good for the body.

12.Red wine is good for longevity.

13.Beer is also good.

14.One or two pegs of good whiskey is good for the heart patients.

15.Music is good for brain and heart.

16.Fish and fish oil is good for eyes, heart, brain and longevity.

17.Laughter is good for the heart.

18.Keeping a pet also takes out tension and prevent heart attacks.

19.Taking a nap is good for the brain, increases efficiency in work.

20.Walking 30 minutes a day is good for the body.

21.Milk and milk products are good for the skin.

22.Eggs are good, they don't harm your cholesterol.

23.Having a wife at home and staying together increases your life span.

24.Fresh fruits or juice is as good as wine, good for the heart.

25.Fibers are good for the GI system.


The list goes on. So friends enjoy life and lay down a good foundation during your younger days. There is no point doing all those which you have never done or taken in your life will make you live for 200 years. As one gets older and older he or she loves to live longer and longer, that’s the natural instinct of human life. All these scientific research can never make a human body last for 200 years. Every one of us has been programmed to last for certain number of years and months so no amount of gadgets and food will make our lives enjoyable and pleasurable. Live with the present and enjoy to the maximum. After all, who has seen tomorrow??

Bye for now.

Sanjoy kumar Satpathy

B/188 sector 18


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