06 June 2010


A fourteen year old child was seen in ED by Dr: Sanjoy Kumar Satpathy a senior medicine consultant and the patient was admitted immediately to Ayush hospital where doctor satpathy works. He made a provisional diagnosis of pyogenic meningitis and asked for some limited investigations.TheCSF was consistent with bacterial meningitis but the CT brain showed a big brain abscess. The patient father was a daily labourer and was not in a position to bear the surgical cost. The patient was unconscious.
Dr Satpathy talked with the director Dr.Ashok Acharya who immediately talked with the collector Dr. Mrs.: Mrinalini Lal for help. She agreed to donate Rs20000 from chief minister’s fund and the surgery was performed by neurosurgeons Dr.Amit Jaiswal and Dr.BKSwain. So a very poor patient’s life could be saved by a team affort.Those who are doctors can recognize the brain abscess. A delay would have killed the child.
WE are grateful to the collector who is also a doctor and an IAS officer.

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