06 January 2012


This article is meant for people below thirty years of age with out diabetes. With the available literature, Google and media teaching most of you know what a diabetes mellitus is. Blood glucose level more than the normal values in fasting state or after food is known as diabetes mellitus.Keep it around 70mg to 100 to 110mg% of plasma glucose in fasting state(after10hours).Two hours after food <140mg% of plasma glucose.
Gene plays a vital role but that’s only the half of the story, the other half is with in your control so you can prevent or delay it. You have a fixed number of beta cells to produce insulin which is so vital for sugar/glucose control in the body. If you exhaust your insulin reserves early than you have a problem. If you go on eating too much of fat and carbohydrate and become obese than insulin will not be effective.
Yes we are talking about type 2 diabetes. What you can do from now on if you want to lead a good healthy and long life. There are few guidelines which if followed carefully and sincerely, I can tell you will definitely lead a better life than your contemporary.
1: Eat lots of fibrous food2: Eat less3: Forget that dictum breakfast should be that of a prince and dinner of a king.4: Eat like a pauper. 5: Control your desire to eat. 6: Eating all the time like Americans or people of other countries is bad, the system must get rest for six hours between meals.7: Follow a simple formula males:60+1kg per inch of your height above 5 feet, say you are 5 feet 9 inches tall>60Kg+9=69 kg ,females>55kg+1kg per inch, plus minus 2kg allowed. If you keep your weight under control up to the age of fifty years than you increase your life span. For muscular people the waist should not be more than 37 inches and females 35 inches irrespective of the weight.8: Avoid fried and deep fried non vegetarian food.9: Certain Sweets like Indians consume are bad10: Chocolates with out sugar is allowed but not too much as chocolates contain lots of trans fatty acids.11: Say no to potato chips.12: Alcohol and soft drinks should be with in limits.13: Set your mind that “I must eat less” when ever you go out to eat.
If you become fat and develop diabetes then hypertension and heart disease will follow you and you will have a miserable life, then repentance will hunt you for the rest of your life. If you have a bad gene then your kidney failure will set in early and by 40 years or less you will be a sick man or women.
Get your Plasma glucose level/cholesterol/creatinine checked every six months. Go to any good clinician who has time in his hand and get your self checked. Remember prevention is better than cure.For any questions you can write to sanjoysatpathy@rediffmail.com

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