13 April 2010


IPL means Indian political life line because the politicians are not asked to answer questions in Parliament nor are they disturbed during their European Tours.
My friend asked me over his mobile as he was away on highway about the IPL score, I told him "I do not watch IPL matches"
He was puzzled."The whole India is watching it but you must be a mad man not to watch it" was the answer.
"But that's my way of life as i do not enjoy things where results are fixed before hand and we are made "JACK ASS"" was my answer.
Some say its decided at Dubai others say by the Congress party of India, some say by film stars , i do not know.
Who ever wins or loses its immaterial, the players are richer by billions for each IPL annual festival, was my answer to my highway friend.
He had already switched off his mobile by then.

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