08 December 2008


At present there are 288 million mobile phone users and more than two lacs towers exists in India. Mobile phones are responsible for a wide variety of health hazards. We would try to analyze the health hazards of electromagnetic radiation exposure, thermal and non-thermal effects.
Radio waves are like an electromagnetic radiation, like X-rays, gamma rays or visible rays; they form a part of electromagnetic spectrum. There are two components electric and a magnetic which travel in the same direction together but in planes perpendicular to each other. The human body absorbs radio frequency energy
Small amount of electric current are generated in the human body, due to biochemical activities, in digestive track, brain, nerve impulse and cardiac activities.
Thermal effects: Exposure to high radio frequency levels there occur tissue damage as the human body can’t dissipate heat. The testes and eyes are venerable to the thermal effects of radio frequency waves of mobile phones.
Non-Thermal effects:
Neurological: Risk of brain tumors due to exposure for longer periods, daily exposure.
Non-Specific symptoms: Dermatological, neurasthenia, vegetative symptoms.
Psychiatric problems: User imagine that the phone is ringing.(ringxity),sleep problems, memory impairment, and other psychiatric conditions.
Cardiovascular: Interference with cardiac pace makers.
Endocrine: Gonadal, adrenal, pituitary hormones and growth hormone effect.
Reproductive: Damage to DNA and low sperm count due to radiation.
Effects of mobile phone base transmitters on human being, small birds, animals, green coconut and ecology are going to be the future hazards of the mobile phone culture.
Precautions: We do not know yet the long term effects of this relatively new technology.
Use mobiles as little as possible.
Use land phones for longer conversations (lovers)
Use wave guard.
Be careful while you are driving.
Give your self a rest day a week, on the use of mobile phones.
Do not allow Transmitting towers to be fixed on you house top for few thousands of rupees, you are asking for genetic problems in your next generation.
Instead of thousands of towers, government and Supreme Court norms must be followed by all mobile phone companies.
There are advantages and disadvantages for each new technology; it depends on how we use it. From small time to big time thieves, terrorists to match fixing, doctors to patients, police to politicians every one is benefited but like any good thing it has a price for the man kind, any thing of too much becomes a nuisance, so lets use this technology in such a way that the harmful effects are minimized.
The Government of India has proposed a multi-centric study involving four thousand participants over five year’s period to find out the health hazards of radio frequency radiation. Hope we will be in a better position to know the side effects of mobile phones on human life after the study reports are made public. Hold your breath!! This may not be!!

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